

sábado, 18 de junio de 2016

Jose Alfredo López

Feeding calculations

In this post, we are going to size a biodigester for a small farm. Where I come from, Latin America, the most popular biodigester is the plug-flow tubular biodigester because it lasts up to 10 years, it is relatively cheap, and it is easy to install. So, let's start:

This example is a real case; it was the second tubular biodigester I installed. The smallest tubular biodigester size available at the store was 8.5 m3.

8.5 m3 Plug-flow tubular biodigester
Just as you see the biodigester in the image above, it is easy to determine some measures like the length and its width. If we multiply the width by two, this is the measure of the circumference perimeter. In the image below, the measures in black colour are the ones we already know. In red colour, we apply some basic geometric formulas to determine the radius (r) of the circumference and the area

Knowing the measures of the biodigester we can now determine how much it can be fed daily using pig manure. For this, we will use the parameters stated in this blog post: Parameters of design (click here).

As said in the post, we will leave a 30 % space for the gas and the rest will be the space occupied by the digestate.

The digestate space is also the useful volume. Why does it have to be 30 % and not less? That depends on you, take into consideration that the gas space in the biodigester also works as a gas reservoir. Sometimes I also use 20 % but no less than that because the bubbles formed in the upper layer of the biodigester can block the gas pipes.

Now we need to determine the Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT), in the Parameters of Design Post, I said it is comprehended between 30 and 100 days.  Here is a consideration to take into account when working with manures: the lower HRT, the more contaminated with pathogens (coliform bacteria) the digestate will result (Al Seadi, 2008). This researcher also claims that the Hydraulic Retention Time should be chosen taken into account the atmospheric temperature. The colder the temperature, the higher the Hydraulic Retention Time should be. Therefore, because I want to obtain a clean digestate and the average temperature of my city is 20 degrees Celsius, let's choose 100 days of retention time.

Dividing the useful volume by the Hydraulic Retention Time (6000 litres / 100 days) it results in a daily feeding of 60 litres.

60 litres of feed is not only pig manure, it is also water. As stated in the Parameters of Design post,the dry matter of the digestate should be lower than 10 %. Therefore, the pig manure + water mix should have a dry matter content lower than 10 %. If higher, the biodigester can get obstructed. Let's use 8 % dry matter.

In the laboratory I determined the following:

Pig Manure dry matter: 25.3 % of total weight

This goes beyond the calculation, but the 19 kg of manure should be entered into the biodigester progressively. I mean, during the first week of feeding you will use 5 kg of manure and 10 kg of water, during the second one, 10 kg of manure and 20 kg of water. Keep doing that until you reach the 19 kg. I usually suggest doing this progressive feeding during five weeks.

As you can see from the calculation, the proportion water: manure is 2:1, now you know where this classic feeding balance comes from. However, this is not a rule because it can change based on our assumptions for dry matter and HRT. So far, we have determined that our 8.5 m3 biodigester will be fed with 19 kg of manure and 41 kg or litres of water. Now let's calculate the Organic Loading Rate (my favourite parameter). For this we need the organic matter of pig manure:

Pig Manure organic matter: 20.25 % of total weight

A 0.64 kg Organic Matter per cubic metre of useful biodigester per day is a good parameter to start, but It could be better. We could try with a higher value like 0.8 kg OM/m3/day to obtain a greater amount of biogas. Now we can start our calculation all again but state the amount of OLR we want (maximum 1.0, this is my personal suggestion) and we will see that the HRT and the dry matter will change. Here we should not forget that the maximum amount of dry matter of the manure + water mix is 10 %. You will notice something interesting like it is not possible to get a lower HRT and high OLR without exceeding the 10 % dry matter rule. As stated before this will have an effect on the digestate microbiological quality and the biogas production. So what did I chose?

I selected a high OLR (1.0) with a little HRT of around 30 days. Of course, I obtained a pretty contaminated digestate, but this one was only applied to the soil and not plants (except for grass). The decisions you make will depend on your purpose. Of course, if you are planning to sell your digestate, make sure it is clean, or you will get into trouble. You can also use the biogas to boil the digestate if you do not mind about the biogas, this is up to you. As you can see, there are many things involved, and you should wisely choose your digestion parameters based on your goals (produce biogas or produce digestate).

Final Result. The bag on top is a 2 m3 gas storage

The final result.
Before starting to feed the biodigester with the 60 litres of manure + water mix, it should be loaded with digestate. The calculations are much simpler, but we will see this in the next blog post.

Jose Alfredo López

About Jose Alfredo López -

I'm passionate about small-scale treatment of organic waste, especially when it comes about biodigesters. It is fascinating the whole variety of available small-scale treatments in different parts of the world which is why I enjoy reading about different experiences around the world. Please feel free to to tell your own experience or ask any question in the commentaries section.

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